How can we help? 👋

How long until I get sales? / Why am I not getting sales? Am I doing something wrong?

Things to bear in mind about our platform

Unqueue gives you a platform to create and maintain your eCommerce store, and we help facilitate sales to your existing customers who can enjoy the flexibility of multiple payments options, as well as the convenience of delivery.

While it’s likely that shoppers on our network who previously didn’t know your store may place an order with you, your existing customer base is likely to make up the bulk of your initial orders.

It’s important that you let your loyal shoppers and fan base know that you’re on Unqueue, and that you help guide them through the process of ordering on the app or on your web store. It’s also important to fully commit to transitioning to using Unqueue, otherwise your shoppers will continue to use past methods out of familiarity.

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